Archive for January, 2011

Back at it!

January 27, 2011

While I’m not a gal who sets resolutions for the new year, now that January is coming to a close and the non-stop snowstorms in New England are giving me a chance to reflect, I am commiting to blogging more regularly. My goal is once a week for the rest of 2011.

There I said it. Now I have to do it.

I started this blog about two years ago. Soon thereafter I started a new job that, coupled with an extreme commute, has pretty much consumed me since that time. When I started this blog, “it” was all new. First time blogger. New to Facebook and Twitter. Social media was new on the scene.

Now, two years later, I’m smarter, more experienced and more relaxed about the whole thing. This shouldn’t be stressful. It should not be hard to post once a week. Surely I have some new nugget of marketing insight to share. One thing you’ll notice is the tone of my posts will be a bit more casual. I used to be somewhat uptight about what I posted. I felt my post needed to say something meaty. Needed to be some incredible insight or piece of advice. But really, is that all you want in a blog? I don’t think so.

Sure, people read blogs for advice and insight. But they also read them for entertainment. For a quick snippet. For a reflection on a news trend. For a bite-size tip. For some personality.

They say if you commit to a new habit in public it’s more likely to stick. So this is my public statement of intent. Being back at it is good. Now I need to stick to it!